Dadong Wang – 15 years of service – congratulations!

June 18th, 2020

After decade and a half of outstanding science and research work, our Principal Research Scientist and Quantitative Imaging Team Leader Dr Dadong Wang gets the spotlight as we congratulate him for 15 years of service at CSIRO!

Dr Dadong Wang

Having joined CSIRO is 2005, Dadong’s main research interests include image analysis, computer vision, artificial intelligence, signal processing and software engineering.

He has been developing automated image analysis solutions for scientific and industrial applications, with the aim of increasing both quality and quantity of information extracted from multi-dimensional image data.

Dadong has published over 100 research papers, book chapters and reports and he is a senior member of the IEEE.

His research team was awarded CSIRO Divisional Research Achievement Awards in 2013, 2012 and 2010, respectively, and was awarded the Engineering Excellence Award by Engineers Australia Sydney Division in 2009. The team was also the winner of R&D category of ACT iAwards in 2014 and 2018. In 2015, the team won merit awards in the R&D category of NSW and Queensland iAwards, respectively.

Congratulations and thanks for all your contributions, Dadong!


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