The University of Newcastle, electric smelting of hematite-goethite hydrogen DRI

April 20th, 2024

R&D Focus Areas:
Industrial heat processes

Lead Organisation:
The University of Newcastle

BHP Innovation Pty Ltd, RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Professor Johannes Schenk, Montan University Leoben (Austria)


Start date:
March 2024

Completion date:
February 2029

Key contacts:
Associate Professor Tom Honeyands, Director, Centre for Ironmaking Materials Research (CIMR):

AUD$2.94 million – Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Project total cost:
AUD$5.9 million

Project summary description (as published by ARENA):
The University of Newcastle will de-risk the metallurgical aspects of the electric smelting process, first in laboratory and then intermediate industrial scale by:

  1. Utilising existing offsite facilities to make hydrogen reduced direct reduced iron from 5 kg batches of Australia’s Hematite-Goethite ores.
  2. Developing and delivering new equipment for making hydrogen direct reduced iron (DRI) in both fluidised bed and shaft furnace configurations.
  3. Developing and delivering laboratory scale furnaces (up to 4 kg) for electrode smelting of hydrogen DRI.
  4. Building technical skills for the safe laboratory scale investigation of the hydrogen DRI and electrode smelting process, and
  5. Testing the smelting of DRI at intermediate scale using an existing 200 kg electric furnace at RWTH Aachen in Germany, proving the laboratory scale results, and providing scale up data for an ESF pilot facility being pursued by BHP, or for other customer partnerships as appropriate.

The objectives for the project will be achieved through the following Outcomes:

  1. Reduction in or removal of barriers associated with using lower-grade Australian iron ores in low emissions iron and steel production.
  2. Development of innovative and / or step change emissions abatement pathways for iron and steel production using Australian iron ores.
  3. Increased research capacity in the Australian iron and steel sector, and the facilitation of collaboration between research groups and industry.
  4. Improvement in the technology readiness and commercial readiness of the Direct Reduced Iron-Electric Smelting Furnace process using Pilbara ores, and
  5. Improved understanding of the direct reduced iron process with electric smelting furnaces for Australian iron ores.

Related publications and key links:
The University of Newcastle, electric smelting of hematite-goethite hydrogen DRI – Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Higher degree studies supported:
To be advised.


April 2024