Raman spectroscopy experimental mixed gas H2-CH4-Brine EOS calibration for hydrogen storage

June 2nd, 2022

R&D Focus Areas:
Underground storage, Computational modelling

Lead Organisation:

CSIRO Energy Project


Start date:
May 2021

Completion date:
December 2022

Key contacts:
Nikolai Kinaev: Nikolai.Kinaev@csiro.au

CSIRO: Hydrogen Future Science Platforms: AUD$193,000; Energy Resources: AUD$197,000

Project total cost:

Project summary description:
The assessment of geological storage of hydrogen in the Australian subsurface either in depleted oil and gas reservoirs or saline aquifer is dependent on effective reservoir simulation tools.

CSIRO developed an equation of state (EOS) for hydrogen gas mixtures (e.g. hydrogen-methane) and brine, that can be used to model injection and withdrawal cycles for underground storage of hydrogen. However, this EOS is based on limited published experimental datapoints for gas mixtures such as H2-CH4. To improve the numerical predictions of underground hydrogen storage, more experimental datapoints for these mixtures at typical reservoir conditions are required to improve and validate the EOS.

An experimental apparatus for measuring in-situ gas solubility datapoints for the H2-CH4-H2O-NaCl system at a range of pressure and temperature conditions relevant for underground storage has been created, employing in-situ Raman spectroscopy measurement in high pressure optical cell in silica capillary tubing. The cell requires very low volume of gas that effectively resolves commonly met laboratory health and safety issues.

The new calibration dataset acquired for the system H2-CH4-brine and their implementation in a new EOS will provide CSIRO a unique position to model H2 behaviour and fate in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. This will complement the existing capability of CSIRO to predict underground storage of H2 and CO2 in saline aquifer via benchmark reservoir simulations.

Related publications and key links:
Not applicable

Higher degree studies supported:
Not applicable


Reviewed: July 2024