Portland Renewable Hydrogen Project

September 23rd, 2020

Portland Renewable Hydrogen Project

This project involves a wind farm and hydrogen plant development near the Port of Portland with the main focus on export potential through hydrogen derivatives (i.e. ammonia).

Main proponents:

Countrywide Renewable Hydrogen Limited, Glenelg Shire Council, Port of Portland

Main end-use classification:

Export potential -hydrogen derivatives (i.e. ammonia)

Local potential – hydrogen in gas networks


Under development

Estimated cost:


Other involvement:


Production details:

Hydrogen production – 10,000 tonnes per annum projected


Victoria, Australia

Announced funding:


Project description

Plans for a wind farm and hydrogen plant co-located close to the Port of Portland in Victoria were reported in October 2019 (though several project aspects have evolved since that reporting).

Electricity generated at a planned 80 megawatt (MW) wind farm would be used mainly to power a ~50MW electrolyser to produce hydrogen gas, which would be exported out of the Port of Portland to Asian markets (in the form of ammonia) with potential for blending into domestic natural gas pipelines (as well as potential for liquefaction). Domestic renewable-based fertiliser production is also under consideration.

The project could produce up to 10,000 tonnes of hydrogen gas per annum.


Updated July 2021