Ord Hydrogen

September 23rd, 2020

Ord Hydrogen

A feasibility study assessed the potential for using the existing Ord hydroelectric power plant in the Kimberley region to power a hydrogen facility in the region.

Main proponents:

Pacific Hydro Australia Developments Pty Ltd

Main end-use classification:

Under evaluation (general uses/ammonia production)


Under development

Estimated cost:


Other involvement:


Production details:



Western Australia, Australia

Announced funding:

AUD$370,000 – Western Australian Government Renewable Hydrogen Fund (feasibility study)

Project description

Pacific Hydro owns and operates the Ord Hydro Power Station, a 30 megawatt (MW) hydroelectric power plant located in the Kimberley region in Western Australia.

The power plant supplies the township of Kununurra and the Argyle Diamond mine. The diamond mine closure will result in between 15-25 MW of power being available for alternate applications. The project proponent is seeking alternative uses for the available power, including the opportunity to develop a hydrogen production plant.

The project proponent undertook a feasibility study to assess the technical and economic potential of a co-located hydrogen production plant, utilising electricity generated by the Ord hydro plant, which would have the potential to supply hydrogen for domestic use and/or for export.

The proponent indicated that it has engaged with the Shire of Wyndham and East Kimberley and other community stakeholders regarding the project and potentially suitable locations for any proposed infrastructure.

In January 2021, the proponent announced that the study was completed and that it was considering whether it was commercially feasible to proceed with the project. The proponent also began exploring partnership opportunities with export companies and potential local offtakers of hydrogen or derivative products (such as ammonia).

A Feasibility Study Public Knowledge Sharing Report (dated March 2021) summarises key aspects of the feasibility study and offers Conclusions and Next Steps for the proposal.


January 2020: The feasibility study for this project is one of seven feasibility studies to which funds were allocated in January 2020 by the Western Australian government under its Renewable Hydrogen Fund.


Updated: July 2021