Hot Properties: Thermal Analysis Equipment for Western Australia

February 20th, 2023

R&D Focus Areas:
Hydrides, Heat storage, Direct hydrogen carrier production

Lead Organisation:
Curtin University

Western Australia Hydrogen (WAH)


Start date:
January 2023

Completion date:
December 2023

Key contacts:
Lead investigator – Professor Craig Buckley –
Professor George Koutsantonis –
Associate Professor Mark Paskevicius –
Dr Terry Humphries –
Professor Dr Zongping Shao –
Professor Vishnu Pareek –
Professor Rob Atkin –
Professor Stephen Moggach –
Professor Pauline Grierson –
Professor Timothy Sercombe –

AUD$783,000 – Australian Research Council (ARC)
AUD$299,000 – Curtin University
AUD$100,000 – University of Western Australia

Project total cost:
AUD$2,210,310 – combined cash and in-kind contribution

Project summary description:
This project will create the first controlled-atmosphere thermal analysis suite in Western Australia. The suite will consist of a high-pressure thermogravimetric analyser and thermal conductivity instrument housed within an argon-filled glovebox, which will be situated at Curtin University; along with a differential scanning calorimetry-thermogravimetric analysis-mass spectrometer, which will be housed at the University of Western Australia.

The facility will enable the thermal properties of materials to be accurately determined in an air-free environment of which includes energy materials, batteries, porous materials, organometallics, and catalysts. Overall, this will create a Western Australian research hub for thermal analysis to enhance the network of institutional collaborations across Australia.

The objectives of this project include:

  • Provide appropriate thermal analysis equipment to support a range of ARC-funded projects to Western Australian researchers.
  • Create a collaborative hub across Western Australia for materials research.
  • Enhance the Australian research capabilities in the fields of hydrogen storage materials, gasification products, battery materials, porous materials, organometallics and catalysts.

Related publications and key links:
None so far

Higher degree studies supported:
The funding is provided for infrastructure only although many higher degree students will benefit from the thermal analysis equipment.


February 2023