Feasibility combustion study to identify challenges and opportunities for hydrogen into iron and cement sectors

September 21st, 2023

R&D Focus Areas:
Industrial heat processes

Lead Organisation:
University of Adelaide


Start date:
June 2023

Completion date:
May 2026

Key contacts:
Lead Investigator: Dr Alfonso Chinnici (University of Adelaide): alfonso.chinnici@adelaide.edu.au

Heavy Industry Low-Carbon Transition CRC

Total project cost:
AUD$1,848,868 (cash and in-kind contributions)

Project summary description:
The project aims to advance the technical development in the use of hydrogen as fuel, either standalone or together with other low carbon energy source options (electricity from renewables, alternative fuels such as refuse derived fuels RDF), in iron and integrated cement sectors, via a joint experimental and computational fluid dynamics analysis. Different classes of appliances will be targeted here, including iron pelletising and cement/lime kilns.

The key deliverables of the project are as follows:

  • Estimate benefit and predict combustion/appliance performances of existing burner/appliance designs when operated with hydrogen.
  • Development of novel, ultra-low NOx hydrogen burner designs and preliminary assessment of their performance.
  • Design and costing of a pilot-scale facility in parallel to the other activities to accelerate next development and upscaling stages of the novel technologies.

Related publications and key links:
Feasibility combustion study to identify challenges and opportunities for hydrogen into iron and cement sectors | Projects | HILT CRC
Report in preparation

Higher degree studies supported:
In progress


Reviewed: July 2024