Efficient and selective water electrolysis for clean energy and environment

July 11th, 2023

R&D Focus Areas:
Electrolysis, Nanomaterials

Lead Organisation:
Curtin University

Not Applicable


Start date:
January 2023

Completion date:
December 2025

Key contacts:
Chief Investigator Professor Dr Zongping Shao – zongping.shao@curtin.edu.au

AUD$432,435 – Australian Research Council

Project total cost:
Not Applicable

Project summary description:
This project aims to deliver a new technology that enables the conversion of renewable solar energy into hydrogen as a green fuel, and the production of a by-product, peroxide, which is important for wastewater treatment. The key concept lies in the development of an innovative electrocatalyst that enables efficient and selective production of peroxide instead of the formation of oxygen. This approach reduces the energy input and increases the value of the products. Peroxide can be used for wastewater treatment to provide cleaner water with substantial resulting societal benefits. The success of this project may offer more efficient options for production of useful chemicals, which will benefit Australia’s manufacturing and chemical industries.

Related publications and key links:
Not Applicable at this stage.

Higher degree studies supported:
Two PhD students in the WA School of Mines, Curtin University, will be supported by this project.


July 2023