Deployment of the SAFE(TI) Lab for characterising the mechanical properties of line-pipe steels exposed to high-pressure gaseous H2

December 2nd, 2021

R&D Focus Areas:
Pipeline materials and performance

Lead Organisation:
University of Wollongong

Future Fuels CRC


Start date:
September 2020

Project summary description:
This project establishes a state-of-the-art testing laboratory to characterise line-pipe steels exposed to high-pressure, gaseous hydrogen. The laboratory is named the SAFE(TI) Lab – an acronym for the Structural Assessment of Future Energy Transport Infrastructure. The laboratory centralises testing ranging from permeation testing, to high-strain rate testing, to fatigue testing of line-pipe steels intended for the transmission network. The laboratory allows for researchers and industry to explore the limits of existing pipeline networks for their maximum potential to transport pressured hydrogen/methane blends.

The capabilities of the H2SAFE(TI) Lab were expanded through the purchase of two new Hydrogen Universal Testing Machines, providing more capacity to test steels for the Australian pipeline industry seeking to introduce hydrogen into their transmission networks.

Further information:
RP3.1-09 Deployment of the SAFE(TI) Lab for characterising the mechanical properties of linepipe steels


Reviewed: May 2024