Direct solar to hydrogen
Renewables-based hydrogen production has the potential to transform various sectors of energy usage into an era of carbon neutrality. However, renewable hydrogen production using current electrolyser technology encounters multiple efficiency losses, culminating in low conversion efficiencies and high production costs.
The Australian National University has developed a direct solar to hydrogen (DSTH) system to limit such process inefficiencies (and hence reduce renewables-based hydrogen production costs). This novel technology integrates solar cells and catalytic electrodes within a single module, bypassing energy conversion stages. It addresses key challenges, including high levelised cost of hydrogen and low conversion efficiencies.

Illustration of a scaled Direct Solar to Hydrogen plant
By avoiding the need to convert solar power from DC to AC power and back again, in addition to avoiding power transmission losses, the direct conversion of solar energy into hydrogen within the solar panel itself can achieve a higher overall efficiency for the total process. Laboratory scale devices have reached solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency of approximately 20%; however, these devices need further development before they can be scaled.

The solar to hydrogen cell design developed by Australian National University
The project consortium – comprising research institutions (ANU, Fraunhofer IFAM, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory) and industry partners (Fabrum, CQSola) – is now aiming to expedite the commercialisation of the direct solar-to-hydrogen (DSTH) technology.
Initial efforts have resulted in the successful demonstration of a proof-of-concept DSTH module. The project team has engineered earth-abundant catalysts, designed an effective electrode stack, developed commercially viable deposition processes, and fabricated an electrolysis module with increased efficiency.
Aiming to elevate this technology from a successful laboratory-scale model to a viable commercial product, the project is focusing on the optimisation and upscaling of DSTH modules, design, and comprehensive outlining of requirements for a pilot production plant, as well as a manufacturing line. This aspect is being underpinned through funding support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
While inherent challenges remain in using cost-effective materials like silicon photovoltaic cells and nickel-based catalysts, through a careful balance of cost-effectiveness, efficiency, durability and manufacturability, the consortium aims to realise a significant leap in the viability of solar hydrogen production.
Case study date: October 2024
HyResearch record: Accelerating the commercialisation of the direct solar-to-hydrogen technology – HyResearch