Assessing the coating damage and hydrogen embrittlement risks of steel pipelines under the combined effects of hydrogen from external cathodic protection and internal hydrogen containing fuels

May 20th, 2023

R&D Focus Areas:
Pipeline design and integrity management, Hydrogen embrittlement

Lead Organisation:
Deakin University

Future Fuels CRC


Start date:
February 2023

Project summary description:
Cathodic protection (CP) and external coatings can prevent hydrogen from exiting the pipe wall. CP can have a similar effect as electrochemical hydrogen charging whilst external barrier coatings could trap hydrogen at the metal/soil interface and produce a backpressure for hydrogen permeating through the wall. This backpressure could also result in extensive coating damage. This research aims at addressing these issues by assessing hydrogen embrittlement behaviour and coating damage under the combined effects of cathodic protection and external coatings with high pressure hydrogen fuels.

Further information:
RP3.4-08 Assessing coating damage and hydrogen embrittlement risks of steel pipelines under the combined effects of hydrogen from external cathodic protection and internal hydrogen containing fuels – Future Fuels CRC


Reviewed: November 2024