HyResearch is a collaboration between Australia’s national science Agency, CSIRO, and the Australian Hydrogen Research Network (AHRN).

The AHRN is a community of researchers and interested stakeholders supporting the emerging hydrogen industry. We foster excellence in hydrogen-related research through an ongoing program of seminars and knowledge-sharing activities. By providing thought leadership, advocacy, and research tools, the AHRN offers its members domestic networking opportunities as well as access to international collaborations.

The AHRN was established in 2021 to better connect Australia’s hydrogen research community with each other and, through the CSIRO-led International RD&D Collaboration Program, to strengthen research connections and collaborations with leading international hydrogen research organisations

The AHRN hosts a series of short online research seminars and is hosting the first Australian Hydrogen Research Conference in February 2023.  More information on the conference can be found here  https://ahrc2023.com.au/ and abstracts submission here https://ahrc2023.com.au/abstracts/

The Convenor of the AHRN is Dr. Andrew Dicks, and he can be contacted at adicks@ah2rn.org.au for further information on the network.