A thermal battery for dish-Stirling concentrated solar power systems

December 7th, 2021

R&D Focus Areas:
Hydrides, Energy systems integration, Heat storage

Lead Organisation:
Curtin University

Griffith University, Aarhus University (Denmark)


Start date:
January, 2020

Completion date:
July 2023

Key contacts:
Project Leader:  C.E. Buckley (c.buckley@curtin.edu.au),
M. Paskevicius (m.paskevicius@gmail.com),

AUD$390,000 Australian Research Council

Project total cost:

Project summary description:
A thermal battery for dish-Stirling concentrated solar power systems – this research aims to investigate new high temperature (> 600 degrees Celsius) metal hydrides and carbonates suitable for thermochemical energy storage in dish-Stirling Concentrated Solar Power systems. The intended outcome is to discover cost effective, energy dense materials that are capable of operating over a 30 year life span in a solar power plant, enabling 24/7 electricity production from renewable sources in a dispatchable solar platform, ideal for remote locations.

Related publications and key links:

Higher degree studies supported:
Not applicable


December 2021