Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why request the test? Identification of impaired intestinal barrier function will allow early commencement of lifestyle and dietary modification or medical therapy, which may alleviate distressing symptoms and attenuate the risk of developing chronic disease.

How is increased intestinal permeability treated? CSIRO Health and Nutrition are researching the most effective way to treat increased intestinal permeability. Current research shows that a diet high in fibre and resistant starch can improve overall gut health and well-being. Find out more about the CSIRO Healthy Gut Diet, resistant starch, and the most recent research in gut health.

How can the test be requested? We are working with our partners to make the test available nationally. Please register to be contacted when the test is available to offer to your patients.

What is required from patients? Patients are required to fast overnight (small sips of water and essential medication are allowed). On arrival at the testing clinic, patients will consume a 100ml beverage (sugars dissolved in water), and 90 minutes later, a nurse or phlebotomist will collect a small amount of blood. Patients must remain in the clinic after consuming the drink and while waiting for their test – allow about two hours in total.

How much does the test cost? As this test is not currently subsidised by Medicare, patients will be required to pay for the test.