More than half of Australia’s population live with pain and discomfort caused by gut issues.

Gut health issues can have a significant impact on quality of life, and lead to chronic conditions. The key to good health is a healthy gut.

Increased Intestinal Permeability (commonly called ‘Leaky Gut’) occurs when the cells lining the gut become damaged, resulting in larger particles of undigested food, bacterial toxins and germs entering the blood stream causing inflammation and irritation. This can manifest in symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, excessive bloating, migraine, mood swings and lowered immunity.

Accurate and reliable measure of gut health.

Through 20 years of research, scientists from CSIRO’s Gut Health Lab have developed an industry leading technique to test for increased intestinal permeability. By measuring the severity of intestinal permeability, the simple test offers a diagnosis to a common but underdiagnosed condition. This begins the pathway to treating this debilitating gut condition by enabling doctors, dietitians, and health professionals to provide advice to begin the healing process.

Early detection of leaky gut can prevent chronic disease in later life.

Further Information

CSIRO has decades of reseach in nutrition and the microbiome. Check out CSIRO’s Healthy Gut Diet Book and Gut Care Guide to read about gut health and discover delicious and healthy recipes. Read more about CSIRO’s research in this space via CSIRO’s reserch news.

Personalised Health Advice

For specific and personal health care and advice, visit your GP, an Integrated Medical Practitioner, or an Accredited Practicing Dietitian.

CSIRO is unable to provide personal health or medical advice.