CSIRO’s research station at Forest Hill is the most recent addition to the network of research stations for CSIRO Agriculture and Food. 

This 77-ha site includes approximately 50 ha of arable land suitable for modern cropping research, sufficient area for research infrastructure, and a riparian area at the confluence of Laidley and Sandy Creeks.

The site includes a range of soil types and has a climate that allows research that is relevant for significant temperate and subtropical agricultural regions.

Once developed, the research facilities will house over 20 CSIRO staff, including researchers, agricultural support staff and a software engineering team. These teams will build on the legacy of CSIRO research in the Lockyer Valley since 1935.


Weather is important to everything that we do.

Weather station at Forest Hill Research Site

We have sensors to provide information on a range of weather and soil variables in support of research.

Screenshot showing the forest hill dashboard

Our weather dashboard provides historical, forecast, and real-time weather information.

Forest Hill Data Dashboard

All of our data is available to view and download.


Observing and recording the site flora and fauna creates an awareness of all organisms. With this understanding better decisions can be made to care for, sustain, and improve the biodiversity of the research site.

Eucalytps in the riparian area

Site overview

CSIRO Forest Hill is home to a varied array of biota. Here you can see a general overview of the differing environments and the organisms within them.

INaturalist logo

Our iNaturalist project is an invaluable resource that catalogues all observations at the site. This data, freely accessible to the public, provides a fascinating glimpse into the site’s rich biodiversity.

Atlas of Living Australia logo

Data from INaturalist is captured within the Atlas of Living Australia. This is a fascinating resource for anyone captivated by the wonders of science and nature