Page 8 – Ending Plastic Waste

woman with clipboard looks up at pallets of packed plastics on a shelf

The challenge Advanced recycling is also referred to as feedstock, molecular or chemical recycling. It involves a range of technologies […]

Biodegradable plastic

The challenge One million tonnes of Australia's annual plastic consumption is single-use plastic such as that used in food packaging. […]

Close up of a Black solider fly on a leaf

The challenge Ever wondered what happens to plastic consumed by insects? Our research is hoping to answer questions such as: […]

plastic bottles flattened and squashed together for recycling

CSIRO has joined the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Plastics (ANZPAC) Pact to tackle plastic pollution with innovative solutions. […]

Group of people in India sorting plastic on a mat

In June 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India agreed to collaborate on an ambitious program to reduce plastic waste.

Applications are open for Innovate to Grow, a free course for SMEs working on plastic waste challenges in the manufacturing, packaging, recycling, agriculture or food sectors and beyond.


We have developed an environmentally-friendly, sprayable biodegradable polymer membrane product that can help farmers produce more during harvest, on the same land area, while using less water, nutrients and agrochemicals.

computational model of a plastic degrading enzyme in complex with its substrate

The challenge The use of plastic materials has spread to all industries and manufactured products given their outstanding mechanical properties, […]

Plastic cans seller

An ambitious project between the two countries to reduce plastic waste could bring global solutions.

Deborah Lau

With our oceans littered with trillions of pieces of rubbish, how do we solve the plastic pollution crisis?