The Enabling Resilience Investment Approach

The Enabling Resilience Investment approach is a collaboration between CSIRO and Value Advisory Partners (VAP), with other partners also making significant contributions. Our team works in an ethical, collaborative way, forming partnerships with stakeholders to co-design and co-learn about how to move into the emergent, disrupted future.

The Enabling Resilience Investment approach is used to generate place-based risk mitigation options along with fundable opportunities that create value (i.e. beneficial outcomes such as jobs, infrastructure, social cohesion, economic activity and incomes) for communities in cities, suburbs and rural and regional Australia.  In doing so, the approach supports communities, regions and economies to recover, transition, and develop towards sustainable, well-adapted and disaster-resilient futures.

The Enabling Resilience Investment approach is a planning and analysis process, underpinned by integrated analytical capabilities and expertise, which incorporates value creation and systemic risk mitigation into the design and delivery of current and future investments. Over the coming years, the tools underpinning the approach will be further developed, as well as demonstrated and tested, in a range of strategic place-based case studies.

Enabling Resilience Investment case studies

A locally led, place-based approach is used to support identification, design and development of investment cases for projects (for example, development of public and private assets) in an integrated manner and across a range of public and private stakeholders. The aim is to support both the ‘bottom up’ locally led approaches with ‘top down’ state and national approaches to support harmonising across these scales, building capability and competencies across all of these levels and sectors. These case studies:

  • develop scalable tools, processes and guidance to support the allocation of capital to investments that are resilient and suited to a changing climate
  • address the absence in foundational data platforms and supply chains and investment mechanisms required to underpin a national resilience investment environment
  • build competencies of leaders and decision makers to identify, assess and manage systemic risks and opportunities.

Two place-based case studies have been completed, for the Bega Valley and Port Adelaide Enfield.

Enabling Resilience Investment Framework

The Enabling Resilience Investment Framework provides the over-arching framing of the engagement, assessment and learning activities, methodologies, and processes that make up the approach. These components help individuals at any level or stage of decision making to address their gaps in knowledge, reveal important tensions and trade-offs in value priorities, and create governance that generates a wider set of adaptive options and pathways.

The enabling resilience investment wheel showing three phases and eight modules

This framework of processes, assessment methods, tools and guidance supports users to generate and explore future options and pathways that stay adaptive to change and resilient to disaster.

  • To understand how to use the Enabling Resilience Investment Framework, please refer to the Guidance.
  • Refer to recent case studies for further information about application of the Enabling Resilience Investment Framework.