Paper: A Trust Architecture for Blockchain in IoT
Blockchain is a promising technology for establishing trust in IoT networks, where network nodes do not necessarily trust each other.
Cryptographic hash links and distributed consensus mechanisms ensure that the data stored on an immutable blockchain can not be altered or deleted. However, blockchain mechanisms do not guarantee the trustworthiness of data at the origin.
We propose a layered architecture for improving the end-to-end trust that can be applied to a diverse range of blockchain-based IoT applications. Our architecture evaluates the trustworthiness of sensor observations at the data layer and adapts block verification at the blockchain layer through the proposed data trust and gateway reputation modules.
We present the performance evaluation of the data trust module using a simulated indoor target localization and the gateway reputation module using an end-to-end blockchain implementation, together with a qualitative security analysis for the architecture.

Figure 1: The proposed layered trust architecture.
V. Dedeoglu, R. Jurdak, G. D. Putra, A. Dorri and S. S. Kanhere, “A Trust Architecture for Blockchain in IoT,” in Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (Mobiqutious 2019), Houston, USA, November 2019.
This paper is collaboration amongst researchers from CSIRO, QUT, and the UNSW, being the most downloaded and cited paper at MobiQuitous 2019 (CORE:A) according to the ACM Digital Library.
Download the full paper here.
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