Macquarie Harbour Salmon

August 2nd, 2016


The salmon industry is improving efficiency, productivity and environmental practices by using sensing technology placed on ‘sentinel’ fish in pens and in the environment to collect real-time data on fish behaviour, water temperature, dissolved oxygen and depth.

This $700,000 Project (Sense-T $638,000) brings together the Tasmanian Salmonid Growers’ Association, IMAS and CSIRO to collect and analyse data from salmon farms in Macquarie Harbour.

Sensors have been attached to individual ‘sentinel’ fish in pens in addition to sensors in the environment. Data is being collected on fish behaviour as well as environmental conditions such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen and depth.


The Project is:

  • Reducing feed wastage by ensuring fish are fed when environmental conditions are suitable;
  • Collecting new or previously difficult to obtain information about the harbour environment and the impact of salmon farming on variables such as oxygen levels;
  • Improving the salmon industry’s efficiency and productivity; providing real-time data to support decision-making; and,
  • Highlighting areas where the industry can improve environmental practices