Smart and Safer Homes
We have applied our Distributed Sensing Technology in the area of health, particularly in tracking the movement and activities of patients in their home or in health facilities.
The Smarter, Safer Homes Project
With an ageing population and Australia’s health expenditure in excess of A$110 billion annually, improved and cost-effective ways to reduce these risks and manage age-related health issues are needed. In partnership with the Australian e-Health Research Centre, we have developed a low-cost, non-invasive sensor, monitoring and support system for use in either individual homes or a supported-living community. It is designed in a way that independently living elderlies are monitored in a non-invasive way, and are given easy accessed to ehealth products like web based health tracking and professional evaluation.

The Smart and Safer Homes Overview – passive sensors installed in the household to support independent living

Relatives and clinicians can stay informed about the elderly person’s health status remotely
For more information, please refer to the publication below:
Zhang, Qing, Mohan Karunanithi, Rajib Rana, and Jiajun Liu. “Determination of activities of daily living of independent living older people using environmentally placed sensors.” In 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 7044-7047. IEEE, 2013.