Livelihoods & Adaptive Development

We develop, apply and test theories, principles, processes and methods to support equitable, ethical and sustainable transitions as ‘emergency’ problems escalate in Australia and our broader region. We address root causes of vulnerability and build individual, community and institutional capacity to transform in the face of unprecedented climate change and disasters, cross-border natural resource management, pandemics and novel biotechnology/innovation risks.

Livelihoods and Adaptive Development

Erin Bohensky

Team Leader, Climate and disaster resilience, knowledge co-creation, participatory science, futures

James Butler

Sustainable pathways, participatory science, futures, conflict resolution, knowledge brokering, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

Lucy Carter

Social inclusion and justice, governance of novel biotechnologies

Portrait Michaela Cosijn

Michaela Cosijn

Knowledge brokering, partnerships, social inclusion, value chain analysis

Carol Farbotko

Transdisciplinary power knowledges, critical social science, political ecology, mobilities

Samantha Stone-Jovicich

Social and organisational change, research-to-impact pathways, social learning, complexity-sensitive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

Liana Williams

Agricultural innovation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

The team is involved in several CSIRO Communities of Practice (MEL, Futures) the Research 4 Impact Community of Practice (CSIRO A&F, UTAS, AgResearch NZ), and the Asia-Pacific Foresight Group. Team members’ research partnerships include the International Organization for Migration, UNESCAP, Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR), Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) in addition to numerous universities. Team members are also engaged in capacity building in ‘socio-technical integration’ within and beyond CSIRO.