
Adaptation pathways to inform policy and practice in the context of development
An evaluation of adaptation pathway theories and applications for climate resilient policy development and transformation. Several CSIRO researchers have co-authored […]

Dealing with drought through resilience planning
CSIRO has partnered with The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) as part of a broader $5 billion Future […]

Developing a new Climate Adaptation Framework for the ACT
CSIRO has partnered with the ACT Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate to develop a new Climate Adaptation for Nature […]

Catalysing the Nature Futures Framework
The scenarios and models task force of the Intergovernmental Policy Platform on Biodiversity Ecosystem Service meets to implement the Nature […]

Developing a new TraNSIT platform to model the impacts of natural disasters on supply chains
CSIRO, in partnership with the Australian Climate Service (ACS) is developing a new technology platform and national planning tool. Which builds on the […]

Launch of on-line learning course for knowledge brokers
As part of the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership’s Knowledge Broker Support Program (KBSP), which is being led by CSIRO, Michaela […]

Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard
As part of the National Freight Data Hub Initiative, the Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard developed by CSIRO has been launched. Building on […]

Edible insects
Decisions and Strategic Planning Group researcher Rocio Ponce-Reyes has led the development of Edible insects: A roadmap for the strategic growth […]