Darwin Living Lab webinar: Energy efficiency and renewables in moving towards a cooler Darwin

October 29th, 2021

Darwin has high energy use for cooling buildings which will only be exacerbated with climate change. This webinar explored challenges and opportunities to reduce the energy and carbon footprint of cooling the built environment in Darwin. The webinar also drew on international expertise in processes to include the community in the planning of renewables that delivers multiple benefits.

The webinar recording is below:

We heard from the following experts:

Dr Michael Ambrose (CSIRO Energy)  

 Residential energy efficiency and thermal comfort in Darwin

Michael has an architecture background that brings a unique perspective to the research work he is involved in. Michael is developing data visualisation dashboards utilising the data that is gathered as part of the NatHERS Universal Certificate process.

Dr Rudi van Etteger (Wageningen University & Research)

Co-creating meaningful solar landscapes.

Rudi is an Assistant professor at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Rudi teaches regional design in landscape architecture and landscape aesthetics. He is also a practising landscape artist.

Rudi’s research focus on inclusive community planning processes to deliver multiple benefits from the energy transition to renewables

Dr Subbu Sethuvenkatraman (CSIRO Energy)

 Smart building data analytics to increase the value of renewables

Subbu is a research group leader in CSIRO with domain expertise in buildings and HVAC systems. He leads smart buildings research activities in CSIRO. His current research focusses on use of digital technologies to decarbonise the built environment sector.

Subbu’s research leadership has resulted in development of low energy, renewable based cooling solutions for the built environment sector.