Security Standards and Frameworks for IoT-Based Smart Environments: State-of-the-Art

March 7th, 2022

  • Date/time:  9 November, 3-4 pm Sydney time (AEDT)

Speaker: Dr Nickson Menza Karie, CSCRC Research Fellow at Edith Cowan University, Australia.

Title: Security Standards and Frameworks for IoT-Based Smart Environments: State-of-the-Art


Slides:1. Security Standards and Frameworks for IoT-Based Smart Environments

Abstract: Assessing the security of IoT-based smart environments such as smart homes and smart cities is becoming fundamentally essential to implementing the correct control measures and effectively reducing security threats and risks brought about by deploying IoT-based smart technologies. The problem, however, is in finding security standards and assessment frameworks that best meets the security requirements as well as comprehensively assesses and exposes the security posture of IoT-based smart environments. In this research, we explore this gap, and look into existing security standards and assessment frameworks which also includes several NIST special publications on security techniques highlighting their primary areas of focus to uncover those that can potentially address some of the security needs of IoT-based smart environments. A total of 80 ISO/IEC security standards, 32 ETSI standards and 37 different conventional security assessment frameworks which included 7 NIST special publications on security techniques were part of this study. To present an all-inclusive and up-to-date state-of-the-art research, the study considered both published security standards and assessment frameworks as well as those under development. The findings show that most of the conventional security standards and assessment frameworks do not directly address the security needs of IoT-based smart environments but have the potential to be adapted into IoT-based smart environments. With this insight into the state-of-the-art research on security standards and assessment frameworks, this study helps advance the IoT field by opening new research directions as well as opportunities for developing new security standards and assessment frameworks that will address future IoT-based smart environments security concerns.

Bio: Having worked for several different Universities, Dr Nickson M. Karie is an accomplished Cybersecurity and Forensics professional with over ten years of academic teaching and research at the university level. He is currently a CSCRC research fellow affiliated with the Security Research Institute at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. Dr Nickson enjoys using his Cybersecurity and Forensics skills and knowledge to contribute to the exciting technological advances happening in different industries and academia in Australia. He believes that security is not only a fundamental part of our daily life but also key to the future of our global digital economy. Dr Nickson graduated from the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2016 with a PhD in Computer Science and his research interests are in Digital Forensics, Critical Infrastructure Security, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Information and Computer Security Architecture, Network Security as well as IoT Security. Dr Nickson is inspired daily by his wife and son. In his free time, he loves swimming, listening to music and site seeing with his family and friends.