Newsfeed November & December 2023
Published papers
- Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour, Adel Nadjaran Toosi, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, “faasHouse: Sustainable Serverless Edge Computing through Energy-aware Resource Scheduling”, in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IF – 8.1). This paper proposes an energy-aware scheduler for resource-constrained serverless edge systems. [ePublish: EP2023-2714]
- Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour, Adel Nadjaran Toosi, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Mohsen Amini Salehi, “Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Serverless Edge Computing: A Performance-Driven and Empirical Approach”, in Future Generation Computer Systems (IF – 7.5). This paper proposes a load-balancing approach for heterogeneous serverless edge systems based on weighted multi-objective optimisation.
- Monica Whitty, Nour Moustafa, Marthie Grobler. ‘Cyber security when working from home during COVID-19: Considering the human factors’. In Journal of Cybersecurity (IF 2.3). This research examined the lives of Australian employees who moved to work from home during COVID-19. Taking a unique approach to cyber security, we sought to gain insights into the intermingling of individuals’ personal lives and technology to inform policies and educational programmes. These findings are valuable post-COVID-19, especially if the ‘new working normal’ provides options for employees to work from home.
- Saud Khan, Chandra Thapa, Salman Durrani, and Seyit Camtepe, “Access-based Lightweight Physical Layer Authentication for the Internet of Things Devices,” in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact factor: 10.238, group target list), doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3331362. At the dawn of 6G networks, we utilize the inherent properties of the IoT devices’ transmission model as its source for seed generation and device authentication. This paper is a big step to bring intelligence to the physical layer (i.e., RFAI) to ensure low-cost security through continuous authentication by checking the access time slots and spreading sequences of the IoT devices instead of repeatedly generating and verifying shared keys.
Publications accepted
- Hongsheng Hu, Shuo Wang, Jiamin Chang, Haonan Zhong, Ruoxi Sun, Shuang Hao, Haojin Zhu, and Minhui Xue. A Duty to Forget, a Right to be Assured? Exposing Vulnerabilities in Machine Unlearning Services. In Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2024 (CORE A*). In this paper, we emphasize the challenge and vulnerabilities in current machine unlearning services, a concept vital to upholding data privacy and regulatory compliance like GDPR and CCPA. Our investigation uncovers the feasibility of “over-unlearning” in MLaaS platforms, a scenario where unlearning processes compromise more data than intended. This discovery has profound implications, highlighting a potential gap in data security and privacy in widely used MLaaS systems.
- Guoxin Sun, T. Alpcan, B. I. P. Rubinstein and S. Camtepe, “To Act or Not To Act: An Adversarial Game for Securing Vehicle Platoons,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3320610. (group target list) This work focuses on end-to-end attack detection and mitigation approaches for operational ML-enabled systems by uniquely incorporating advancements in (adversarial) machine learning, control theory, and game theory. The work highlights a feasible architecture for future security solutions, as rule-based or ML-only approaches do not capture operational challenges well enough.
Ruoxi Sun, Minhui Xue, Gareth Tyson, Tian Dong, Shaofeng Li, Shuo Wang, Haojin Zhu, Seyit Camtepe, and Surya Nepal, Mate! Are You Really Aware? An Explainability-Guided Testing Framework for Robustness of Malware Detectors, ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2023. (SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE 2023). Jason Xue has also received a Distinguished Reviewer Award at ESEC/FSE 2023 (CORE A*, top SE conference)
- David D. Nguyen, David Liebowitz, Salil Kanhere, Surya Nepal, “Multiple Hypothesis Dropout: Estimating the Parameters of Multi-Modal Output Distributions“, in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024, (AAAI, CORE A*). The paper introduces a novel multiple-output function and highlights its broad applicability across supervised and generative modelling problems.
- Jeff Lu, Dong Gong, Shuo Wang, Minhui Xue, Lina Yao, Kristen Moore. “Learning with Mixture of Prototypes for Out-of-Distribution Detection”, in ICLR: International Conference on Learning Representations , 2024, (ICLR, CORE A*). This paper introduces a new model for distance-based out-of-distribution detection that utilizes multiple prototypes for each class.
- The CIPR Mission collaboration with Google is focused and developing practical new methods and tools that will enable CI operators to assess software for vulnerabilities to reduce disruptions to Australia’s essential services for this growing threat. The contract has been signed (Google investment $500K – CSIRO investment – $625K) and has commenced. A media release is out jointly by CSIRO and Monash, regarding a paper published in the 43rd International Cryptology Conference (Crypto 2023), co-authored by Monash and Data61 researchers. A new algorithm in the paper achieves more efficient quantum-safe zero-knowledge proof that find various security applications like securing large decentralized systems by Muhammed Esgin, Ron Steinfeld, Dongxi Liu and Sushmita Ruj.
Staff and students
- Junda Lu started as a Research Engineer at Marsfield site from Dec 2023.
- Lauren Ferro (Research Scientist) started as part of the Human Centric Security team on November 8th, 2023 (Clayton Office).
- Diksha Goel completed her PhD from The University of Adelaide, Australia.
- Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour’s PhD Thesis has been approved for award without requiring any further amendments or examination.
- Farina Riaz has received her PhD award and attended her graduation ceremony on Nov 6th,2023 in Sydney.
- Six students started as a vacation scholar with CQS group in Nov 2023: Muhammad Suleman and Hanh An Tran in Clayton, Phoebe Grosser in Dutton Park, Zewei Shi and Thesya Evania Gabrielle in Marsfield, Xuzeng He in Black Mountain.
Networking / Conferences
- Sharif Abuadbba and Hajime Suzuki has been invited as panel speakers into the 19th edition of Cyber Security Summit, Sydney, Australia on the 10th of November. Sharif spoke into the topic of “”GPT & Generative AI: Weighing The Benefits and Risks in Cyber Security” along with few other panelists from Standards Australia, Australian Health and Science Institute and UNSW. Hajime spoke into the topic of “Why Does 5G Require New Approaches To Cybersecurity?” along with panelists from Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation and Rakuten. The summit has been attended by 200+ senior executives and C-suite leaders from various government agencies and industries across Australia.
- NAIC hosted an AI in Industry Day in Melbourne on “How AI can make our infrastructure safer and smarter” on Nov 29, where Kristen Moore spoke on the work from two CSCRC projects on utilizing AI for cyber defence and cyber deception. Marthie Grobler presented on the Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience mission and how that connects to safer and smarter environments. Available for viewing at
- Farina Riaz has been invited as International Guest Speaker for the talk on “Quantum Machine Learning” at IBM Qiskit Fall Fest at Leipzig. This event has been organised by Lancaster University Germany on Nov 10th 2023.
- Dr Muhammad Usman attended QTML 2023 Conference in Geneva where they reported one oral presentation and one poster on QML work. Dr Usman will be hosting QTML 2024 meeting in Melbourne Australia.
- Dr Muhammad Usman and Dr Akib Karim presented QML Technology in CSIRO ON Launch Camp program (November 8-10,2023) and the pitch won the first prize of $25,000. The funds will be used to perform a detailed market analysis and create a customer portfolio for the QML Technology.
- Ruoxi Sun presented the paper “Mate! Are You Really Aware? An Explainability-Guided Testing Framework for Robustness of Malware Detectors” at ESEC/FSE 2023, held in San Francisco, California, from 3 to 9 Dec.
- Wei Shao presented the paper “Early Spatiotemporal Event Prediction via Adaptive Controller and Spatiotemporal Embedding” at ICDM 2023, held in Shanghai, China. from 1 to 4 Dec.
- Diksha Goel gave a talk on ‘Evolving Reinforcement Learning Environment to Minimize Learner’s Achievable Reward’ at the Workshop on AI-based Optimization (AI-OPT 2023), held in Melbourne on Dec 15, 2023.
- Hajime Suzuki presented 6G Security Research and Development Program at QUAD 1.5 Track Dialogue, held online on 11 January 2024, as requested by Department of Industry. Approx 40 government and industry delegates from US, Japan, India and Australia. Invited collaboration at international standardisation meetings such as ITU and 3GPP.
Regular Events
SAO monthly seminars in collaboration with the Cyber Security CRC:
Human Centric monthly seminars:
Quantum Systems monthly seminar series
In collaboration with Quantum Technology FSP; for more info
6G security seminar series
This seminar series is part of the 6G Security Research and Development Program conducted on behalf of the Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs. The Program aims to conduct foundational research into the security requirements of 6G technologies, and shape the development of 6G telecommunications standards internationally.

6g technology background abstract illustration,Computer system and 6G system equipment,3d rendering