Dr. Paddy Krishnan

July 7th, 2021


Paddy Krishnan is a Research Director at Oracle Labs in Brisbane, Australia. His current research interests are in the areas of program analysis, software security and automatic test generation. He is currently working on dynamic analysis to detect client-side security vulnerabilities. In the past he has worked on scalable static analysis techniques to find vulnerabilities in Java applications and the Java platform and formal methods for real-time and distributed systems. In the past he has held academic positions at Texas A&M University, USA, Aarhus University, Denmark, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and Bond University, Australia and visiting positions at Siemens Research, Germany and Tata Research Development and Design Centre, India. He is a Senior Member of both the ACM and the IEEE. He got his B. Tech from IIT Kanpur, M.S and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan all in Computer Science and Engineering.