CASDA Update 13th July 2020

July 13th, 2020

The CASDA team has been hard at work since March on new functionality and improvements to CASDA. A new version of CASDA, v1.12, was released on July 9 2020.

Developments to CASDA in this release include:

  • Extended CASDA module for the Astroquery package of Astropy (see Now supports staging and download of data products.
  • Integrated catalogue, image/cube and spectra upload for derived data (Level 7), upload is now done as one collection
  • Primary images and cubes now highlighted in UI search, separated from ancillary pipeline products
  • Public web hosting of validation reports produced by the ASKAPSoft pipeline
  • Added derived (Level 7) catalogues and data products to the skymap search function
  • Channel selection added for SODA
  • Speed up deposit for many small files
  • Only add catalogues to global catalogue when released

See the release notes for the full list.