ASKAP Pilot Survey and Processing Update 25th May 2020

May 25th, 2020

In a major milestone for ASKAP, observations for all ASKAP Pilot Surveys are now complete. CSIRO and ASKAP survey teams are now working on processing all the data, which will be made available on CASDA.

Some data is already in CASDA, as noted below and in previous updates.

WALLABY pilot data release 1

The public release of data from WALLABY’s pilot survey observations of the Hydra cluster marks the first release of full-volume spectral line pilot data on CASDA. Although some artefacts remain in the continuum-subtracted data cubes and further processing improvements will be made, a large section of the Hydra field has been successfully analysed by the WALLABY team.

This WALLABY data is available in CASDA under Project ID AS102.

VAST pilot survey

Images from the VAST continuum pilot survey are also appearing in CASDA. The VAST team are searching for variable and transient sources over large areas using short, 12-minute observations to maximise sky coverage.

The VAST data are currently available for team members in CASDA under project AS107, and will be made public after quality control and validation.

VAST pilot sky coverage

Figure: Sky coverage and example image from the VAST pilot survey data.  Image credit:  E. Lenc.