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Project reports
Decision context report
Meharg, S., Wise, R.M. and Butler, J.R.A. 2016. Decision-making case studies summary report: Building capacity for adaptive governance of the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. Report to the Australian Department for the Environment, Canberra. 20 pp.
Pilot planning workshop reports
- East New Britain Pilot Planning Workshop 1: oil palm Download
Butler, J.R.A., Allan, J., Apelis, C., Bohensky, E.L., Masike-Liri, B., Meharg, S., Peterson, N., Wise, R.M. and Paisparea, F. 2016. East New Britain pilot planning workshop 1: oil palm. Building capacity for adaptive governance of the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. Report to the Australian Department for the Environment, Canberra. 60 pp.
- East New Britain pilot planning workshop 2: Oil palm
- West New Britain pilot planning workshop 1: Tourism
- West New Britain workshop 2: LMMA Review
Seascapes Planning Guideance Document
Butler, J.R.A., Peterson, N., Wise, R.M., Apelis, C., Masike-Liri, B.M., Meharg, S., Bohensky, E.L., Vaghelo, D.M., Paisparea, F., Lipsett-Moore, G., Skewes, T.D., Hayes, D., Fischer, M., Dunstan, P., Suruman, B. 2017. Seascapes Planning in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea: A Guidance Document. PNG Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority, The Nature Conservancy and CSIRO. Building Capacity for Sustainable and Responsible Development in the Bismarck Sea. TNC Pacific Division Report No. 3/10. 39pp
Program Evaluation and Learning Report
Butler, J.R.A., Meharg, S., Wise, R.M., Bohensky, E.L., Peterson, N., Apelis, C., Knijff, E. and Allnut, J. 2017. Building Capacity for Responsible and Sustainable Development in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea: Program Evaluation and Learning. Report to the Australian Department for the Environment and Energy Efficiency, Canberra. 56 pp.
Ridge to Reef Reports
- Ridges to Reef Assessment for New Britain, PNG: Planning for Sustainable Development. East New Britain [ddownload id=”249″]
Geoff Lipsett-Moore, Nate Peterson, James Butler, Russell Wise, Cosmas Apelis, Seona Meharg, Kelly Kalit, Robyn James, Richard Hamilton, Barbara Masike-Liri, James Allan, Donna Hayes, Jessica Cheok, Tahlia Seeto and Mibu Fischer (2017). Ridges to Reefs Assessment for New Britain, PNG: Planning for Responsible, Sustainable Development. TNC Pacific Division Report No. 2/10. 83pp
- Ridges to Reef Assessment for New Britain, PNG: Planning for Sustainable Development. West New Britain [ddownload id=”247″]
Geoff Lipsett-Moore, Nate Peterson, James Butler, Russell Wise, Cosmas Apelis, Seona Meharg, Kelly Kalit, Robyn James, Richard Hamilton, Barbara Masike-Liri, James Allan, Donna Hayes, Jessica Cheok, Tahlia Seeto and Mibu Fischer (2017). Ridges to Reefs Assessment for New Britain, PNG: Planning for Responsible, Sustainable Development. TNC Pacific Division Report No. 2/10. 83pp
Other relevant reports
Coral Triangle Sustainable Nature-based Tourism Project Report 2017
Learn more about our project by watching this video (19 minutes)
Other communication products
- Project Fact Sheet Download
Previous CTI Project Materials
- Learn more about our previous project in West New Britain