

Authors Title Journal/conference Link
M Plucinski, A Sullivan, C Rucinski, M Prakash Improving the reliability and utility of operational bushfire behaviour predictions in Australian vegetation Environmental Modelling & Software
M Plucinski, A Sullivan, C Rucinski, M Prakash The best of both worlds: Fire spread predictions from the head and the heart 5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference, April 11-15, 2016, Melbourne [ddownload id=”244″]
A Sullivan, J Gould, M Cruz, C Rucinski and M Prakash Amicus: A national fire behaviour knowledge base for enhanced information management and better decision making 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, 1–6 December 2013 [ddownload id=”66″]
M Cruz, J Gould, M Alexander, A Sullivan, L McCaw, S Matthews A Guide to Rate of Fire Spread Models for Australian Vegetation Published jointly by AFAC and CSIRO Purchase book

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Amicus 0.5 Users’ Guide Technical report [ddownload id=”265″]