Dr Rob Speight on how we can deliver a better tomorrow through generative biology

In an article for the World Economic Forum, AEB FSP Director Dr Robert Speight explains how generative biology will change the game.

Genetic biotechnologies have revolutionized society and have been delivering groundbreaking innovations for over 40 years. Some early successes include insulin production and stain-lifting enzymes for detergents. More recently, synthetic biology has accelerated biotechnological innovation, as seen in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and disease-resistant bananas, among many other innovations.

Still, the full potential and promise of synthetic biology (the tools and knowledge used to engineer biology) have not yet been realised and significant challenges persist. However, transformative technologies are coalescing around biology to deliver new knowledge and tools; as a result, synthetic biology will become increasingly more effective, productive, faster and cheaper to develop and scale.

In fact, we’re on the brink of an era filled with transformative possibilities from generative biology. What does this future look like, and what will it take to get us there?