Reassessing risk in decision-making on engineering biology
Project duration: July 2024 – October 2025 The challenge As the realities of the climate crisis take effect globally, advanced […]
A circular bio-economy system for fairer access and benefit-sharing
Complex but necessary: how we transform decision-making to deliver more equitable benefits from Australian bio-innovation.
The role of law in ensuring effective technical standards in engineering biology
Technical standards in engineering biology will help accelerate innovation - but IP and proprietary regimes may impact their effectiveness.
Human factors affecting the uptake of emerging biotechnologies
Understanding public, industry and regulator perceptions of emerging biotechnologies to facilitate their uptake by society.
Exploring novel microalgae as bioplastic factories
Microalgae have the potential to provide efficient, environmentally friendly bioproduction processes. Can they help solve plastic pollution?
Applying Indigenous Australian biocultural knowledge and values in synthetic biology
Entering into cross-cultural dialogue with Indigenous Australians about novel biotechnologies.
Accelerating carbon biomineralisation in seawater to help reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
Co-funded by AEB and CarbonLock FSPs, this project looks at mimicking natural processes to speed-up carbon capture.
Understanding health choices around novel biotechnologies
Decision-making and trade-offs in the adoption of novel personalised health innovations.
Using neural networks to design biosensors
High-throughput and automated biosensor design using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Predicting bioactive molecules for plant health and agricultural applications
A platform for functional prediction and validation of undiscovered secondary metabolites in Actinobacteria.