Platform overview

Learn about the Advanced Engineering Biology FSP and CSIRO's FSP program more generally.

Advanced Engineering Biology Future Science Platform

The AEB FSP was launched by CSIRO in July 2022 as part of a growing suite of future science research platforms.

The synthetic biology revolution is predicted to provide new opportunities to support more than 50,000 new jobs in areas such as food production, health and wellbeing and low carbon industries. It is projected that this will benefit the Australian economy by more than $30 billion per year.

Growing a bio-based economy will:

  • underpin Australia’s transition away from fossil fuels
  • usher in significant opportunities for a circular economy
  • enable permanent carbon capture
  • generate multi-generational and cross socio-economic sector improvements in standards of living in Australia.

If we are to seize these benefits, we need to improve our ability to rapidly develop new biotechnologies and deliver them to industry at scale.

That’s where the Advanced Engineering Biology Future Science Platform (AEB FSP) comes in.

The AEB FSP will deliver new innovative tools to fast track the development of biotechnological solutions. By embedding responsible decision making in biotechnological development, we will ensure these goods and services deliver maximum societal benefit. And these solutions will be delivered more quickly and affordably than what is possible today. All to ensure that Australia becomes a world leader and global provider in bio-based innovation. 

Learn about our research themes and projects

CSIRO’s Future Science Platforms

Future Science Platforms (FSPs) are an investment in boundary-pushing science that will underpin innovation and has the potential to reinvent and create new industries for Australia. These multi-disciplinary, multi-year initiatives bring together diverse networks of partners – including early career researchers – to build the foundations of tomorrow’s breakthroughs.

Learn more about CSIRO’s Future Science Platforms