
Herbicide resistance is a growing threat to agricultural production with increasing numbers of weed species becoming resistant to key herbicides. […]

In this podcast, we hear from CSIRO's Dr Rick Llewellyn, and Mallee Sustainable Farming’s Tanja Morgan, about how the AWM project is taking shape in the Sunraysia area.

Rows of grape vines

Michael Moodie is joined  by Daryn Gardner, Dried Fruits Grower and Landholder, along with Dr Chris Preston, Adelaide Uni to […]

Roadside weeds

Addressing feathertop Rhodes grass on roadsides via frequent and timely slashing could be an option for managing this weed.

Farmers Meeting

The need for weed management to work effectively across property and institutional boundaries, means that an in-depth understanding of the attitudes, practices and relationships of various actors involved in weed management is needed.

Australian Researchers have been collaborating with cross-sector community groups to pilot the release of a rust fungus in the fight against flaxleaf fleabane.

Farmers Meeting

The battle against herbicide resistance is bringing together stakeholders from across a diverse range of agriculture and horticulture industries.

Roadside weeds

A collaboration between researchers, public and private land managers is making inroads into roadside weed control.

A community-wide commitment to effective weed control practices for problem weeds, such as flaxleaf fleabane, is crucial to protecting the diverse range of agricultural industries across the Sunraysia region.

Beyond the fenceline | An area wide approach to weed management

One thing all farms have in common is weeds. Growers across cropping, horticulture and viticulture are participating in a project […]