BioFoundry Equipment & Services

Our services

We specialise in high-volume, combinatorial genetic Design and high-throughput genetic strain Build using our suite of robotics for DNA assembly and transformation.

Our Test capacity extends to basic phenotyping and we offer access to metabolomics and other facilities in CSIRO.

Design – Build – Test – Learn

The CSIRO BioFoundry offers services in the Synthetic Biology Design- Build – Test – Learn bioengineering workflow. Choose the services that suit your project from our modular pipeline.

Development of Machine Learning (ML) based analysis of results is underway, and we are looking for projects to expand this capability.

Our equipment

We have a full suite of specialist equipment available in the CSIRO BioFoundry to meet the needs of high-volume projects in synthetic biology and related fields. Our equipment allows us to perform full workflows, from DNA assembly to phenotypic assays.




Labcyte Echo 525 acoustic liquid handler

PCR and DNA assembly preparation ultra-low volume organism dispensing, enzymatic assay preparation​

Analytik Jena Cybio Felix pipetting liquid handler

PCR and DNA assembly preparation, organism transformation, DNA /RNA extraction, enzymatic assay

Singer Instruments PIXL colony picking robot

Colony picking from solid medium to liquid or solid

Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer

High-throughput DNA capillary electrophoresis

Beckman Cytoflex S flow cytometer

Microorganism population analysis

BioTek Cytation 5 multimode plate reader

Microorganism analysis, DNA quantitation, enzymatic assay, FRET

BioTek Multiflo FX Multimode dispenser

Microplate dispenser and washer

Roche LightCycler480 II

RT-PCR RT-PCR, 384 block, gene detection, expression, and variation analysis

Bio-Rad C1000 thermal cyclers

PCR and DNA assembly, 96 and 384 blocks

Climatron plant growth cabinet

Photosynthetic organism growth

Caliper SciClone G3 pipetting liquid handler

PCR and DNA assembly preparation, organism transformation, DNA /RNA extraction, enzymatic assay

Beckman Cytoflex SRT Cell sorter 

Fluorescence-activated cell sorting