April 2021 Webinar: Synthetic Biology in the Foundation Technologies Application Domain

July 21st, 2021

Watch the Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform Webinar featuring Nicholas DeBono.

This webinar was presented in April 2021 as part of the Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform (SynBio FSP) Seminar Series. This webinar covers work in the Foundation Technologies Application Domain.

Regular webinars offer information about the latest work from SynBio FSP including funded projects, the work of CSIRO-University Fellows and SynBioFSP PhD students.

Webinar program

Dr Colin Scott, Foundation Technologies Application Domain Leader welcomed participants, acknowledged the Traditional Owners and introduced the speaker.

Nicholas DeBono (Macquarie University and CSIRO SynBio FSP) spoke about a dual glycoengineering system – the prospects of a multi-avenue approach to targeted glycoprotein.

View on CSIRO’s Vimeo channel

View the transcript

Full biography and abstract

Nicholas DeBono, Macquarie University and CSIRO SynBio FSP


Nicholas completed a Bachelor of Advanced Science in Biomolecular Sciences at Macquarie University in 2018, during which his interest in Synthetic Biology and Biochemistry grew. This led to a Master of Research thesis titled “A dual glycoengineering system: combining synthetic biology with an Artificial Golgi Column”, work that he has continued into his current PhD undertaking. His research focusses on the potentials of glycoengineering, and he is interested in finding and investigating intersections within molecular science fields.


When a glycoengineered high-yield producing yeast is coupled to an in vitro glycosylating column, a scalable, glycan-defined glycoprotein production system can be created. This dual glycoprotein production system has several potential applications and could be beneficial for creating glycan-defined glycoproteins with targeted structures. Building on previous work, we are working to create a scalable workflow to produce glycoproteins with targeted glycoforms that may be of interest in an academic and therapeutic sense. This workflow is planned to incorporate the widely used methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris and an Artificial Golgi Column, and will be designed to be suitable for multiple glycoproteins.