Workspace 6.21.5

This operation takes a base workflow and two derived workflows, and the two sets of Operation Differences and attempts to merge them automatically into a new workflow.

  • Default label: "MergeThreeWorkflows"
  • Member of plug-in: WorkflowTools
  • Catalogue path: Workflow Tools
Filename 1QStringFilename 1
Filename 2QStringFilename 2
Base QStringBase filename
Differences 1CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArrayDifferences between the base and workflow 1
Differences 2CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArrayDifferences between the base and workflow 2
Reporting levelCSIRO::Tools::ReportingLevel

Default value is "Errors".

Merge itemsCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArrayMerges to be applied

True if merges can be applied