Workspace 7.0.2
LanguageUtils Directory Reference


file  classconstraints.h
file  clonable.h
file  compare.cpp
file  compare.h
file  demangle.cpp
file  demangle.h
file  errorchecks.cpp
file  errorchecks.h
file  indexbasediterator.h
file  inheritancetests.h
file  integerrangestring.h
file  mathdefs.h
file  memento.h
file  numericcast.h
file  offsetsequence.h
file  parallel_for_i.h
file  randomdouble.h
file  refcount.h
file  scopeguard.h
 This file contains a class and factory method to easily create a generic scope guard in any given context by taking advantage of type inferencing and lambdas. This simplifies the code needed to use RAII to perform cleanup functionality regardless of how a method is exited. For example, deallocating dynamically allocated objects or closing a connection when a method exits, regardless of whether it exits successfully or due to an error.
file  streamable.h
file  streammanips.h
file  streamqstring.h
file  stringhelpers.h
file  typet.h
file  variablelengtharray.h
file  versionchecks.h
file  xmlentitieshandler.h