Quantitative Imaging
Publications of year 2021
S. Amirgholipour,
W. Jia,
L. Liu,
X. Fan,
D. Wang,
and X. He.
PDANet: Pyramid Density-aware Attention based Network for Accurate Crowd Counting.
pp 1--16,
April 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
S. A. H. Chowdhury,
C. Nguyen,
H. Li,
and R. Hartley.
Fixed-Lens camera setup and calibrated image registration for multifocus multiview 3D reconstruction.
Neural Computing and Applications,
Q. Jin,
H. Cui,
C. Sun,
Z. Meng,
and R. Su.
Free-form tumor synthesis in computed tomography images via richer generative adversarial network.
Knowledge-Based Systems,
April 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
Q. Jin,
H. Cui,
C. Sun,
Z. Meng,
and R. Su.
Cascade knowledge diffusion network for skin lesion diagnosis and segmentation.
Applied Soft Computing,
February 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
Q. Jin,
H. Cui,
C. Sun,
Z. Meng,
L. Wei,
and R. Su.
Domain adaptation based self-correction model for COVID-19 infection segmentation in CT images.
Expert Systems with Applications,
August 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
J. Ke,
Y. Lu,
Y. Shen,
J. Deng,
J. Wright,
Y. Zhang,
H. Qin,
D. Wang,
X. Liang,
and F. Jiang.
Quantitative Analysis of Abnormalities in Gynecologic Cytopathology with Deep Learning.
Laboratory Investigation,
February 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
M. R. Khokher,
L. R. Little,
G. N. Tuck,
D. V. Smith,
M. Qiao,
C. Devine,
H. O'Neill,
J. Pogonoski,
R. Arangio,
and D. Wang.
Early lessons in deploying cameras and artificial intelligence technology for fisheries catch monitoring: where machine learning meets commercial fishing.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
July 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
D. Li,
P. Tang,
R. Zhang,
C. Sun,
Y. Li,
J. Qian,
Y. Liang,
J. Yang,
and L. Zhang.
Robust Blood Cell Image Segmentation Method Based on Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,
August 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
Q. Liao,
D. Wang,
and M. Xu.
Category Attention Transfer for Efficient Fine-Grained Visual Categorization.
Pattern Recognition Letter,
pp 1-7,
November 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
S. Lopez-Marcano,
E. Jinks,
C. J. Brown,
D. Wang,
B. Kusy,
E. Ditria,
and R. Connolly.
Automatic detection of fish and tracking of movement for ecology.
Ecology and Evolution,
pp 1--10,
May 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
L. Mo,
L. Zhu,
J. Ma,
D. Wang,
and H. Wang.
MDRSteg: large-capacity image steganography based on multi-scale dilated ResNet and combined chi-square distance loss.
Journal of Electronic Imaging,
February 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
G. Wang,
C. Sun,
and A. Sowmya.
Context-enhanced Representation Learning for Single Image Deraining.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
G. Wang,
C. Sun,
and A. Sowmya.
Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
March 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
M. Zhang,
Y. Gao,
C. Sun,
and M. Blumenstein.
Robust Tensor Decomposition for Image Representation based on Generalized Correntropy.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
W. Zhang and C. Sun.
Corner detection using second-order generalized Gaussian directional derivative representations.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
April 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
L. Zhu,
X. Wen,
L. Mo,
J. Ma,
and D. Wang.
Robust location-secured high-definition image watermarking based on key-point detection and deep learning.
December 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
X. Zong,
Z. Chen,
and D. Wang.
Local-CycleGAN: A General End-to-End Network for Visual Enhancement.
Applied Intelligence,
April 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
M. S. Alam,
A. Sowmya,
and D. Wang.
Bidirectional ConvLSTM for lung segmentation from chest X-ray images.
Washington, USA,
1-3 November 2021.
M. S. Alam,
A. Sowmya,
and D. Wang.
Image data augmentation for improving performance of deep learning-based model in pathological lung segmentation.
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,
29 November - 1 December 2021.
J. Jing,
S. Liu,
C. Liu,
T. Gao,
W. Zhang,
and C. Sun.
A novel decision mechanism for image edge detection.
In International Conference on Intelligent Computing,
Shenzhen, China,
pages 274--287,
12-15 August 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Nguyen,
D. Wang,
K. Richter,
P. Valencia,
and G. Bishop-Hurley.
Video-based cattle identification and behaviour recognition.
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,
29 November - 1 December 2021.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
A. Rispler,
S. Gensemer,
S. Gao,
T. Doody,
C. Sun,
and R. Lagerstrom.
Payload verification and testing for the CSIROSat-1 mission.
In 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly,
Sydney, Australia,
28 January-4 February 2021.
L. Velentzis,
P. Procopio,
S. Carr,
L. Devereux,
B. Mann,
P. James,
G. Lee,
C. Wellard,
Y. Arzhaeva,
and C. Nickson.
Can mammographic density add value to the Gail model in risk-stratifying women in BreastScreen Australia?.
In IEA World Congress of Epidemiology,
volume 50,
pages i242,
September 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
G. Wang,
C. Sun,
X. Xu,
J. Li,
Z. Wang,
and Z. Ma.
Disentangled Representation Learning and Enhancement Network for Single Image De-Raining.
In ACM Multimedia,
Chengdu, China,
pages 3015--3023,
20-24 October 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
R. Wu,
C. Sun,
Z. Liu,
and A. Sowmya.
Deep learning based stereo cost aggregation on a small dataset.
In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications,
Gold Coast, Australia,
29 November-1 December 2021.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Xu,
J. Liu,
C. Nguyen,
F. Casten,
B. Maujean,
and S. Gasparini.
3D reconstruction of insects: An improved multifocus stacking and an evaluation of learning-based MVS approaches.
In 2021 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV),
pages 1411--1419,
IEEE Computer Society.
Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
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Changming Sun.
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