Quantitative Imaging
Publications of year 2008
L. Hoang,
R. Li,
S. Ourselin,
and J. M. Potter.
A Visual Dataflow Language for Image Segmentation and Registration.
In J. Filipe,
B. Shishkov,
M. Helfert,
and L. A. Maciaszek, editors,Software and Data Technologies,
chapter 9,
pages 60--72.
Berlin: Springer,
L Hoang,
Li R.,
and Ourselin S. andPotter J. M..
A Visual Dataflow Language for Image Segmentation and Registration.
In J. Filipe,
B. Shishkov,
M. Helfert,
and L. A. Maciaszek, editors,Software and Data Technologies,
chapter 9,
pages 60--72.
Springer Berlin,
R. Lagerstrom,
C. Sun,
and P. Vallotton.
Boundary Extraction of Linear Features Using Dual Paths through Gradient Profiles.
Pattern Recognition Letters,
September 2008.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Leung,
B. Appleton,
and C. Sun.
Iterated Dynamic Programming and Quadtree Subregioning for Fast Stereo Matching.
Image and Vision Computing,
October 2008.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
P. Vallotton and N. Thomas.
Automated body hair counting and length measurement.
Skin Research and Technology,
November 2008.
P. Vallotton.
Differential Aberration Correction (DAC) Microscopy: a New Molecular Ruler.
Journal of Microscopy,
November 2008.
L. Zhang,
J. Xu,
J. Yang,
D. Yang,
and D. Wang.
Multiscale morphology analysis and its application to fault diagnosis.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
April 2008.
X. Bai,
C. Sun,
and F. Zhou.
Touching Cells Splitting by Using Concave Points and Ellipse Fitting.
In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications,
Canberra, Australia,
pages 271--278,
1-3 December 2008.
Y. Guo,
R. Li,
G. Poulton,
and A. Zeman.
A Simulator for Self-Adaptive Energy Demand Management.
In Proceedings of the second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
pages 64--73,
Y. Guo,
A. Zeman,
and R. Li.
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Setting Multi-Objective Goals for Energy Demand Management.
In Proceedinds of ALAMAS and ALAG - in Seventh Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems,
pages 65--72,
S. Hadjidemetriou,
B. Gabrielli,
T. Pike,
F. Stevens,
K. Mele,
and P. Vallotton.
Detection and Tracking of Cell Divisions in Phase Contrast Video Microscopy.
In The Third International Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology,
New York,
5-6 September 2008.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
G. Hu,
Y. Guo,
and R. Li.
A Self-Organizing Nano-Particle Simulator and Its Applications.
In Proceedinds of IEEE-NASA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems(AHS 2008),
pages 22--25,
R. Li,
J. Li,
G. Poulton,
and G. James.
Agent-Based Optimisation Systems for Electrical Load Management.
In Proceedings of First International Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems (OPTMAS),
pages 60--69,
R. Li and P. Wang.
Pattern Learning and Decision Making in a Photovoltaic Syste.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL),
volume 5361/2008,
pages 483--492,
M. Prokopenko,
A. Zeman,
and R. Li.
Homeotaxis: Coordination with Persistent Time-Loops.
In M. Asada, editor,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence - From Animals to Animats 10: the 10th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior,
pages 403--414,
Springer, Berlin.
A. Zeman,
M. Prokopenko,
Y. Guo,
and R. Li.
Adaptive control of distributed energy management: A comparative study.
In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
pages 84--93,
Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
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