
Quantitative Imaging


Publications of year 2003
Books and proceedings
  1. C. Sun, H. Talbot, S. Ourselin, and T. Adriaansen, editors. Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, volume 1/2. CSIRO Publishing, 2003.
    author = {},
    title = {Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    year = {2003},
    month = {},
    volume = {1/2},
    editor = {C. Sun and H. Talbot and S. Ourselin and T. Adriaansen},
    series = {},
    organization = {},
    publisher = {CSIRO Publishing},
    address = {} 

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. B. Appleton and C. Sun. Circular Shortest Paths by Branch and Bound. Pattern Recognition, 36(11):2513--2520, November 2003. [DOI]
    author = {B. Appleton and C. Sun},
    title = {Circular Shortest Paths by Branch and Bound},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {36},
    month = Nov,
    journal = pr,
    number = {11},
    doi = {},
    pages = {2513--2520} 

  2. C. Sun and S. Pallottino. Circular Shortest Path in Images. Pattern Recognition, 36(3):711--721, March 2003. [DOI]
    author = {C. Sun and S. Pallottino},
    title = {Circular Shortest Path in Images},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {36},
    month = Mar,
    journal = pr,
    number = {3},
    doi = {},
    pages = {711--721} 

  3. C. Sun. Uncalibrated Three-View Image Rectification. Image and Vision Computing, 21(3):259--269, March 2003. [DOI]
    author = {C. Sun},
    title = {Uncalibrated Three-View Image Rectification},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {21},
    month = Mar,
    journal = ivc,
    number = {3},
    doi = {},
    pages = {259--269} 

  4. R.F. Walker, P.T. Jackway, and I.D. Longstaff. Genetic Algorithm Optimisation of Adaptive Multi-scale GLCM Features. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 17(1):17--39, 2003.
    author = {Walker, R.F. and Jackway, P.T. and Longstaff, I.D.},
    title = {Genetic Algorithm Optimisation of Adaptive Multi-scale {GLCM} Features},
    journal = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence},
    year = 2003,
    volume = 17,
    number = 1,
    pages = {17--39} 

  5. D. L. Wilson, M.J Buckley, C. A. Helliwell, and I. W. Wilson. New Normalization Methods for cDNA Microarray Data. Bioinformatics, 19(11):1325--1332, July 2003.
    author = {D. L. Wilson and Buckley, M.J, and C. A. Helliwell and I. W. Wilson},
    title = "New Normalization Methods for {cDNA} Microarray Data",
    year = {2003},
    volume = {19},
    number = {11},
    journal = {Bioinformatics},
    pages = {1325--1332},
    month = {July} 

Conference articles
  1. M. Berman, H. Kiiveri, R. Lagerstrom, A. Ernst, R. Dunne, and J. Huntington. ICE: An automated statistical approach to identifying endmembers. In Proc. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 1, Toulouse, France, pages 279-283, July 2003.
    author = {M. Berman and H. Kiiveri and R. Lagerstrom and A. Ernst and R. Dunne and J. Huntington},
    title = {ICE: An automated statistical approach to identifying endmembers},
    booktitle = {Proc. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium},
    month = {July},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {1},
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    pages = {279-283} 

  2. C. Evans and H. Zhang. Mixed Texture Composition: Determining the Proportion of Structured and Statistical Components.. In Proceedings of Digital Image Computing:Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Conference, volume II, Macquarie University, Sydney, pages 721-730, December 2003.
    author = {C. Evans and H. Zhang},
    title = {Mixed Texture Composition: Determining the Proportion of Structured and Statistical Components.},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Digital Image Computing:Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Conference},
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    pages = {721-730},
    year = {2003},
    OPTeditor = {},
    volume = {II},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Macquarie University, Sydney},
    month = {December},
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTnote = {},
    OPTannote = {} 

  3. C. Leung, B. Appleton, and C. Sun. Embedded Voxel Colouring. In Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, volume 2, Sydney, pages 623--632, 2003. CSIRO Publishing.
    author = {C. Leung and B. Appleton and C. Sun},
    title = {Embedded Voxel Colouring},
    year = {2003},
    month = {},
    volume = {2},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    editor = {},
    organization = {},
    pages = {623--632},
    publisher = {CSIRO Publishing},
    address = {Sydney} 

  4. C. Sun. Diamond, Hexagon, and General Polygonal Shaped Window Smoothing. In Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, volume 1, Sydney, pages 39--48, 10-12 December 2003. CSIRO Publishing.
    author = {C. Sun},
    title = {Diamond, Hexagon, and General Polygonal Shaped Window Smoothing},
    year = {2003},
    month = {10-12 December},
    volume = {1},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    editor = {},
    organization = {},
    pages = {39--48},
    publisher = {CSIRO Publishing},
    address = {Sydney} 

  5. C. Sun. Fast Algorithms for Stereo Matching and Motion Estimation. In Australia-Japan Advanced Workshop on Computer Vision, Adelaide, Australia, pages 38--48, 9-11 September 2003.
    author = {C. Sun},
    title = {Fast Algorithms for Stereo Matching and Motion Estimation},
    year = {2003},
    month = {9-11 September},
    volume = {},
    booktitle = {Australia-Japan Advanced Workshop on Computer Vision},
    editor = {},
    organization = {},
    pages = {38--48},
    publisher = {},
    address = {Adelaide, Australia} 

  6. H. Talbot and L. Bischof. An overview of the Polartechnics SolarScan melanoma diagnosis algorithms. In Proc. APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing, Brisbane, pages 33-38, 2003.
    ADDRESS = {Brisbane},
    AUTHOR = {H. Talbot and L. Bischof},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proc. APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing},
    PAGES = {33-38},
    TITLE = {An overview of the Polartechnics SolarScan melanoma diagnosis algorithms},
    YEAR = {2003} 


Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
Maintained by: Changming Sun.

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