Sydney Science Park STEM Schools Challenge 2024

August 6th, 2024

Since its launch in 2020, the Sydney Science Park CSIRO Urban Living Lab has supported the Sydney Science Park STEM Challenge, which has now grown to reach around 1,600 students in 2024.

The field days for Term 2 were held on the 23rd and 24th May at Sydney Science Park. During these days, students toured the site and rotated through a range of industry-led activities on energy, water, circular economy, transport, urban development, smart cities, urban agriculture, urban heat and health.

We were glad to contribute to this initiative and help schools to engage in real-world project learning. In return, this engagement with the students is helping us understand how we can improve our cities and make them even better for future generations.

Students participating on CSIRO activity about circular economy.

See more photos from the May field days here.

*STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.