Achievements-RRnD4P Rnd4
Achievements of Rural R&D for Profit round 4 project
Underpinning agricultural productivity and biosecurity by weed biological control (2019-2022)
December 2020
All reasonable avenues to find suitable biocontrol agents for sowthistle in the native range were explored as part of the RRnD4P Round 2 project but without success. Therefore resources earmarked for sowthistle as part of the first year of the RRnD4P Round 4 project were shifted towards the preparation of a comprehensive scientific paper on the research undertaken in the native range to find suitable candidate agents for sowthistle since 2016. This paper will be submitted to a scientific journal in early 2021.
Geographic map of sampling locations of natural enemies of Sonchus oleraceus in the native range. Dots represent each sampling site.