Webinar: Presentation of ASDIT’s proposal

July 23rd, 2020

Webinar: From local to global: Presentation of ASDIT’s proposal to the Clean Technologies Institute: a new impulse for the economy post COVID-19


ASDIT proposes to develop a sustainable innovation ecosystem that promotes virtuous interaction between industry, academia, communities and the public sphere, for the generation and application of clean technologies that produce local value and contribute to competitiveness, productive efficiency, sophistication and diversification of products and services in the energy, mining and electromobility industries.

In this webinar, we invite you to learn about the proposal of ASDIT, Association for the Development of the Technological Institute, together with the guests who are part of this consortium. We will answer how each of the institutions present contributes to this innovative and comprehensive proposal, and how we can promote solar energy, sustainable mining and advanced materials of lithium and other minerals, which represent a contribution of resources in approx. USD $ 200MM in 10 years, becoming the largest R&D investment in the country in this area.

Watch the webinar here!

Webinar: De lo Local a lo Global – 13-05-2020 from CSIRO Chile on Vimeo.