
COGGAN, A., JARVIS, D., DE VALCK, J., SCHIRRU, E., PERT, P. L., NEWLANDS, M. & GRAHAM, V. 2023. Literature review on frameworks for understanding socio economic data on users, uses and benefits.
Coggan, Anthea; Jarvis, Diane; Graham, Victoria; Pert, Petina; De Valck, Jeremy. 2024. The Sustainable usE And Benefits fOR MariNE (SEABORNE) project: An overarching report of objectives, methods, key findings and reflections. Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Project, for the Great Barrier Reef. CSIRO, Australia. . Brisbane: CSIRO. csiro:EP2024-5061.
1. COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the provisioning service of WILD CAUGHT FISH biomass to commercial fisher end users (CAPOM and KCB). CSIRO Australia.
2. COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the provisioning service of wild caught non-edible marine biomass to commercial fisher end users (CAPOM and KCB). CSIRO, Australia.
3. COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the provisioning service of farmed fish biomass to commercial fisher end users (CAPOM and KCB). CSIRO, Australia.
4. DE VALCK, J., COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the cultural ecosystem service of RECREATIONAL FISHING to HOUSEHOLDS (CAPOM and KCB). CSIRO, Australia.
5. COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the cultural ecosystem service of NON-FISHING LEISURE AND RECREATION to HOUSEHOLDS (CAPOM and KCB). CSIRO, Australia.
6. COGGAN, A., PERT, P. L., DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D. & GRAHAM, V. 2024. Populating the ecosystem service value chain for the cultural ecosystem service of RESEARCH. CSIRO, Australia. <Link coming soon>
GRAHAM, V., COGGAN, A., JARVIS, D. & MANN, M. 2024. Report on the SEABORNE workshop for Darumbal. CSIRO, Australia.
JARVIS, D., TIGER, L., HOLDEN, M., LAWTON, K., PARSONS, J., EADE, D., ROWE, K., SALTNER, E., LITTLE, D., SALTNER, E., BLACKMAN, J., ALLEN, M., BROWN, D., PIPPEN, J., PURCELL, D., TERARE, S., TERARE, S., GRAHAM, V., COGGAN, A. with support from Gidarjil Development Corporation Ltd. 2023. Report on the SEABORNE workshop for Port Curtis Coral Coast TUMRA and Gidarjil. CSIRO, Australia.
DE VALCK, J., JARVIS, D., COGGAN, A.,SCHIRRU, E., PERT, P. L., GRAHAM, V. & NEWLANDS, M. 2023. Valuing ecosystem services in complex coastal settings: An extended ecosystem accounting framework for improved decision-making. Marine Policy 155:105761.