

Coggan, Anthea; Pert, Petina; De Valck, Jeremy; Jarvis, Diane; Graham, Victoria (2023): Datasets supporting the cultural Ecosystem Service Value Chain of recreational fishing to households. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.

Coggan, Anthea; Pert, Petina; De Valck, Jeremy; Graham, Victoria; Jarvis, Diane (2024): Datasets supporting the provisioning Ecosystem Service Value Chain of Wild caught fish, non-edible fish and farmed fish biomass for Wet Tropics, Cape York and Fitzroy NRM regions. v3. CSIRO. Data Collection.

Coggan, Anthea; Pert, Petina; De Valck, Jeremy; Jarvis, Diane; Graham, Victoria (2023): Datasets supporting the cultural Ecosystem Service Value Chain of non-fishing recreation and leisure to households. v4. CSIRO. Data Collection.

Pert, Petina; Coggan, Anthea; Jarvis, Diane; De Valck, Jeremy; Graham, Victoria (2023): Seaborne metadata database. v5. CSIRO. Data Collection.

Graham, Victoria; Pert, Petina; Coggan, Anthea; Jarvis, Diane; & De Valck, Jeremy (2024): Datasets supporting the cultural Ecosystem Service Value Chain of research to institutions. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.

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