MAY | Sin Kuang Lo

May 13th, 2021

I am interested in modelling and analysing the architecture of blockchain-based systems, considering both system quality and data quality. Prior to that, I completed a Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering) from The University of Malaya.

Sin Kuang Lo

Postgraduate Student, Architecture and Analytics Platforms

  • Tell us about yourself,

    I am a final semester PhD student in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales, under the supervision of Xiwei (Sherry) Xu, Lina Yao and Mark Staples. My PhD research topic focuses on blockchain-based system design and analysis. I am interested in modelling and analysing the architecture of blockchain-based systems, considering both system quality and data quality. Prior to that, I completed a Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering) from The University of Malaya.

    What gets you so excited about your work?

    I had the opportunity to work with world-class researchers in the area of blockchain in one of the top research institute in the world - CSIRO’s Data61 and published 4 peer-reviewed journal papers, 3 peer-reviewed conference papers, and 1 book chapter. One of our research won the best paper award at the International Blockchain Conference in San Diego, United States. I also appreciate the experience to engage, educate, and inspire the next generation computer scientists and engineers about software architecture for blockchain in UNSW Sydney.

    How is your PhD going to change the world?

    My research aims to improve our understanding of the design of blockchain-based systems, considering both system quality and data quality. Tell us about your CSIRO's Data61 experience? My time at CSIRO’s Data61 is literally some of the best years in my life. I worked with many smart and dedicated researchers that strive to make contributions to knowledge. My supervisors and colleagues in CSIRO’s Data61 motivate me to become a better researcher.

    Why do you like working at CSIRO's Data61?

    Great research facility, tons of resources, world-class researchers and nice coffee.

    If you are less than 12 months into your PhD journey, what are you looking most forward to?

    The day I submit my PhD thesis! Can’t wait to apply my experience and skills in the industry

    Your top three professional areas, Blockchain, Software Architecture, Software Engineering

    Your top three skills, Critical thinking, problem-solving, software development

    Awards and accolades, 1. University International Postgraduate Awards (UIPA) 2. Services Conference Federation 2019 Best Student Paper Awards

    What are your plans after completing your PhD? I have learned a lot about research throughout my PhD studies in CSIRO’s Data61 and UNSW. After completing my PhD, I would like to get some experiences as a software engineer in the industry while continuing to work on interesting research.

  • LocationEveleigh
  • AddressSydney NSW