D61+LIVE 2019 | Dr. Marthie Grobler

August 12th, 2020

Senior Research Scientist and Supervisor of the Human Centric Cybersecurity team, Dr Marthie Grobler, shares her research at D61+LIVE 2019

Meet:  Dr. Marthie Grobler, Senior Research Scientist and Team Leader of the Human Centric Security team.

What she does:  Marthie is passionate about making cyber security more accessible for people as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution. She is driven to enhance people’s ability to use connected technology more powerfully in an ever-connected world, focusing on translating cyber seurity skills to a more digestible format that can easily be adopted by technology users. Presently, she leads the Human Centric Security team’s work on cyber security governance, policies and awareness, and also guides and teaches the group’s extended PhD student cohort.