Nitrogen fertiliser decisions – the good, the right and the risky
March 7, 2025
It is difficult to make the ‘right’ N decision every year, but ‘good’ decisions are relatively easy and are more likely to be ‘right’, particularly when reviewed over several years.

Fast Graphs for “Slow Thinking”
September 10, 2024
Supporting a more deliberate and logical approach to decision making

Farm Decision Making and Risk: the interaction of personality, farm business, and risk to make more informed decisions
September 6, 2024
At the core of farm management is decision making and choosing a path that provides a farming business with acceptable reward for acceptable effort at an acceptable amount of risk. This 2020 GRDC publication is an important resource for growers, industry and our RiskWi$e approach.

Field trials compare risk and rewards for nitrogen decision approaches
August 28, 2024
A network of 43 small plot and paddock scale trials are quantifying the risks and rewards of different nitrogen management decisions over multiple years. These trials will characterise the yearly variability in response to N but importantly also measure carryover of residual N from one year to the next.

Nitrogen Decision Making Approaches
August 27, 2024
Applying fertiliser is considered a ‘risky’ decision because of uncertainties associated with a lack of return on investment in the year of application, negative yield responses to applied N or losses of N. A range of different approaches can be applied to balance these risks and rewards.

RiskWi$e Welcome and Background
December 15, 2023
A welcome and brief background from NPL Project Lead, Rick Llewellyn

Inaugural RiskWi$e Workshop
October 26, 2023
The first RiskWi$e conference was held in Sydney over Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 August 2023.